Tuesday, December 1


Here's a quote by W. Clement Stone.

"Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will."

Does thinking change situations? We all know the answer clearly. Thinking without action is similar to empty talks (talk big with no actions). 

We have to start doing something, use actions to make things happen. Fears can be overcome with strong determination and willpower. 

We have to face it, accept it, and conquer it. 

So, start taking the right action today.

"Most of us will fail someday.

Most of us will have regrets.
Most of us will experience grief of loss.
But no matter what we faced, life still goes on.

Life itself is a learning process."
~ Anonymous

Monday, March 2


Would you like to be alone or would you need a caring shoulder when you're sad and crying?

I guess the needs of individuals are different. 

If a person is crying, it would be best to leave the person alone, and let the person have his/her own space. Allow the person to cry all out and give him/her time to calm down. Stay by his/her sides to prevent any unforeseen incidents and give him/her moral support.

Don't be upset if they reject your care and concern, as everyone needs time and space sometimes. Let the person know that you will be there for him/her. 

Things will slowly calm down and subside. As most things in life, are temporary.

Thursday, February 19


"I don't understand why. Why things always seems to go wrong?
No matter how hard I try, I will eventually fail again.
Tried and tried, failed and failed again. When is this going to end?

I really tried my best. But I'm still really weak at it.
I guess my capabilities are only up to this level. 
I really can't do it, my mind is just blank
Maybe I'm just bound to fail. I am a failure.

I just want things to be right, I just want to do well.
Even if I cant do well, why can't I just have a bit of result?
Why can't let me see that there is still some hope that I can?

I'm tired of hoping, waiting and trying.
It really hurts whenever I failed. It makes me lose hopes.
Will things ever get better? 

I'm not sure how long I can endure this.
It's been so long, should I just give up?
Shouldn't I know that I just can't?

How long have I tried? How long am I stuck?
But looking at the times I keep on trying, how long have I not give up?
Thinking back on how much I tried and tried, I have walk this far.
Won't it be a pity to give up now after so long?

Isn't every step of failure, a step closer to success?
If I never give up, will I succeed one day? 
I will really fail forever if I give up today.

Look at the people who never give up and invents many great things.
If I give up today, I will never know that I can succeed.
It's hard, but if it is too easy, would I really want it in the first place?
How much do I want it? Why did I even start from the beginning?

"Everything is impossible, until you experience it."
It's tough, but it makes one grows stronger.
Till the day I succeed, I will continue trying."

~ Anonymous